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Browser extension automation makes users interact directly with web applications through a browser plugin (currently only supported for Google Chrome). Using actions based on Chrome extension have several advantages over Browser Selenium actions:

  • More faster and safer browser automation interactions
  • WYSIWYG detection of web elements
  • No need to download various browser drivers

Browser extension automation is commonly used in the following processes:

  • Capture web page data and store it in the database.
  • Fill out complex forms on web pages and save them to automate the ordering of a business process.
  • Take screenshots of entire and partial areas of web pages.



Open a browser and navigate to the specified site.

  • Browser: Select your browser type, currently only Google Chrome is supported
  • URL to open: the URL to navigate to


Click on a button or link or any other element of a web page.

  • Live Browser Tabs: Select a tab to be interacted with from the current live browser tabs
  • Element locator: XPath of the element in a web page, which can be captured by clicking on the icon on the right side, thus activating the dom inspector tool to assist you


Close the current browser tab or the entire window.

  • Current tab: A tab in the current browser window
  • Current window: The current browser window

Get Text

Extract the text from the web element.

  • Live Browser Tabs: Select a tab to be interacted with from the current live browser tabs
  • Element locator: XPath of the element in a web page, which can be captured by clicking on the icon on the right side, thus activating the dom inspector tool to assist you
  • Set text to a variable: Return the fetched text as a variable


Enter the given text into the text field.

  • Live Browser Tabs: Select a tab to be interacted with from the current live browser tabs
  • Element locator: XPath of the element in a web page, which can be captured by clicking on the icon on the right side, thus activating the dom inspector tool to assist you
  • Enter text: Text content


Maximize the current browser.

Navigate the current browser to the provided url.

  • URL: Enter the URL to navigate to.

Wait Element

Wait until the element to be visible or contains the specified text, where the text is not case sensitive.

  • Live Browser Tabs: Select a tab to be interacted with from the current live browser tabs
  • Contains: Wait for the element until it contains the specified text
    • Element locator: the XPath of the element, which can be captured by clicking on the icon on the right side, thus activating the dom inspector tool to assist you
    • Text: Text content
    • Timeout: The maximum time to wait for an element to satisfy the condition, default 10 seconds
  • Visible: Wait for the element until to be visible
    • Element locator: the XPath of the element, which can be captured by clicking on the icon on the right side, thus activating the dom inspector tool to assist you
    • Timeout: The maximum time to wait for an element to satisfy the condition, default 10 seconds
  • Assign the wait result to a variable: The result of the wait is returned as a Boolean variable (true/false)

Wait Page

Wait for the text to appear in the current tab.

  • Text: Text content
  • Timeout: Maximum time to wait, default 10 seconds
  • Assign the wait result to a variable: The result of the wait is returned as a Boolean variable (true/false)