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Bot Agent

Bot Agent is a tool software used by YooginX to run and debug the task bots, while all kinds of data and resource interactions during the task design process need to be done through this tool.


First, download the latest Bot Agent from the Download Center page.

Download Bot Agent

Then, following the installation wizard you can always press Next to complete the installation.

Bot Agent Install Wizard 1

Bot Agent Install Wizard 2

Connect Bot Agent

Locate the area on the bottom left of the Powerpad and click the circular icon on the right to connect.

Bot Agent Disconnected Bot Agent Connecting

Then it won't take long for a prompt box to pop up, click the Open yooginx-bot-agent.exe button. A few moments later, if the area on the bottom left turns green, it means the bot agent has been connected successfully.

Bot Agent Launching Protocol


Bot Agent Disconnect Ready Bot Agent Disconnecting