List is an array of multiple items, currently supported operations including:
- Get items from a List
- Append an item
- Insert an item into a specified location
- Clear all items
- Get the length
Like Dictionary, List is another very important data manipulation collection.
In Python it can be represented as:
products = ["UiPath", "Automation Anywhere", "Zapier", "YooginX"]
Add Item
Add a new data to the List. There are two ways: append and insert. The settings are as follows:
- List variable: Select an original List variable.
- Item to be added: Select an item to be added.
- At the end of the list: Defaults to append mode.
- At any index: Insert data at the specified position of the list. The input position must be starting from 0.
Remove all data from the list.
Get Item
Get an item from the specified position of the list.
- List variable: Select an original List variable.
- Item index: Specify the position that must be starting from 0.
- Assign the output to variable: Store the output item to a variable.
Get Length
Get the number of items in the list.